So remember that writing prompt I said I was going to write a story about? Well, I'm starting it soon, so here is the description.
Hundreds of years into the future. And no one is awake.
Kyri has always led a normal life in Shoquer. Up until the day when she wakes up alone. The entire world is fast asleep. And it is up to her and four others to save them.
So, yeah, it's short. I know. But I want it to be mysterious. Anyway, as you can tell from the post title, I am going to call it Awake. This will probably take up most of the blog for now...but I will definitely keep the Weekly Prompt, and (hopefully) how to write a good story. Hope you all enjoy and I will get writing soon.
Hundreds of years into the future. And no one is awake.
Kyri has always led a normal life in Shoquer. Up until the day when she wakes up alone. The entire world is fast asleep. And it is up to her and four others to save them.
So, yeah, it's short. I know. But I want it to be mysterious. Anyway, as you can tell from the post title, I am going to call it Awake. This will probably take up most of the blog for now...but I will definitely keep the Weekly Prompt, and (hopefully) how to write a good story. Hope you all enjoy and I will get writing soon.