Thursday, April 27, 2017

Weekly Writing Prompt

Today's Prompt: There are many theories as to why she was murdered.

I am here today to tell you the story of my life. Well, not exactly. I am here to put the rumors to rest.

I am here today to tell you why my life ended.

My name was Mai. I was nineteen. I had lost my family years ago. There was one person in the world who cared for me. He saved my life, gave up everything he believed in, just to try to be the family I lost. I let him down.

It might have been my rebellious thoughts, but I doubt it. t may have been my ignorance, but it wasn't. I know what it was. And that's what I'm about to tell you.

The day started out like any other. An, the man who pretended to be my brother, the only one left in the world who cared about me, was already awake. As usual. We ate breakfast together, as usual. He left to make money for us to live off, as usual. But that day I had enough. I followed him. I know it sounds ridiculous, but all these years I never knew what he did.

I snuck out after him. I raced down the wooden staircase, careful not to trip as always. I ran until I reached the center of Shoquer. By now, An was nowhere to be seen, so I walked around looking. Nothing. I felt a hand pull at the silver bracelet my mother gave me before she died. I grabbed the hand and turned around to face the stupid scavenger who thought I wouldn't notice. I hated them. All of them. I looked straight at the person. My eyes went wide. No. it couldn't be.

"An" I squeaked, barely even a whisper. It couldn't be.

"Mai," he started. But I wasn't going to hear any of it.

"You lied to me," I whispered. I turned and ran.

I heard him call me but I couldn't come back.

I was crying so hard I couldn't see. I didn't see the transport coming towards me. It slammed into me. I fell to the ground. I couldn't breathe. I felt someone's arms around me, and without opening my eyes I knew it was An.

Basically, after that, I was taken to the capital to be taken care of. They lied to An and said I wouldn't live. They gave him the option to clone me, but in the process, I would die. He thought I would die anyway, so he said yes.

I'm not an idiot. I know why they did it. I have always dreamed of becoming a rebel. Thy knew that. So they created their perfect clone instead. But I took one look into her eyes and knew she wasn't as perfect as they planned.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Weekly Writing Prompt

Today's Prompt: You can perform spells. But only for one day.

I stare at the shattered vase on the ground. I slowly look up, my hands shaking. That did not just happen. I just didn't. It was impossible. But it happened.

"Gin." a shaky voice says from across the room. I turn to meet the eyes of my only friend.

"Gemma," I say slowly walking towards her. "Gemma please, I don't know what happened."

"You know full well what happened," Gemma says standing. "You were chosen at the ceremony. You can't avoid your destiny."

"Gemma I can't go back. I don't want this." I choke back a sob. Gemma runs over and wraps her arms around me.

"But if you go back, your powers will last more than a day," Gemma whispers. "You will go to the ritual and get your full powers."

"I don't want them Gem. I want what I have. Not all this magic. I hate magic, and you know that." I tell her.

"Someone will find out Gin, you can't hide this forever," Gemma says. I know it's the truth. I just don't want to admit it.

"Then I'm leaving," I say. I know she is going to argue with me, but nothing she says will change my mind.

"No. You are not leaving," she says. I sigh. "We are leaving." My eyes go wide. Gemma wouldn't even dare to think of something like that. I start to protest but remember this is her choice.

"Are you sure?" Gemma nods. "Meet me here in five minutes.."

We both turn to leave. I'm glad Gemma is coming with me. I'd be lonely without her.

I don't think I will ever get used to magic. But if we leave, I never will. Gemma thinks having magic is a gift. But she doesn't understand. I see it as a curse.